Work With One Of The Most Widely Known Dram Shop Attorneys In Texas

Markle • DeLaCruz, LLP provides aggressive defense representation to bar and restaurant owners facing dram shop liability claims. Attorney Spencer Markle has earned a statewide reputation for his work in this field, having successfully represented clients in hundreds of these cases.

Our firm regularly represents liquor license holders with or without dram shop coverage.

We wrote the book on liquor liability law — and we mean that literally. Spencer Markle published the Texas Liquor Liability Practice Manual, the only book of its kind in the state.

In addition to drunk driving accident claims, we also represent restaurant and bar owners throughout the Houston region in cases involving assault and battery defense, nonsubscriber actions and in matters before the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission.

Aggressive Representation At A Fair Cost

While we can call upon experts when necessary, our experience enables us to prepare cases without these costly specialists in some cases. As a result, we can prepare cases quickly and at a reasonable cost.

Markle • DeLaCruz, LLP, also represents bar and restaurant establishments in liquor license defense hearings before the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission.

Successful Dram Shop Defense Strategies

We thoroughly review the circumstances of every case to develop the best defense strategy. Two of the most common strategies include:

  • Demonstrating that liability for an accident rests with the driver, not your establishment.
  • Showing that your establishment has a policy of employing certified servers, the server in question was certified, and that you have a record of compliance with liquor license rules and local ordinances.

By utilizing these strategies, attorney Spencer Markle has successfully represented defendants in more than 70 verdicts in which plaintiffs received no award.

As a comparative negligence state, Texas allows the transfer of a portion of the liability to other parties. If he cannot win outright, Spencer Markle will take every opportunity to spread liability to all responsible parties. The goal will be to avoid or minimize possible damages.

Consultation With A Trusted Liquor Liability Defense Attorney

Contact our firm in Clear Lake for an initial consultation with attorney Spencer Markle. Call 281-486-0677 to set up your appointment, or reach out online to get started. Se habla español!