Effective Defense Of Employment Claims

At Markle DeLaCruz, LLP we aggressively and effectively defend closely held business in claims, administrative actions, arbitrations and lawsuits filed by present and former employees, alleging discrimination, harassment, wage and hour violations, overtime pay claims, non-subscriber injuries, retaliation and wrongful discharge cases.

Our firm defends:

  • Civil Rights claims
  • Fair Labor Standards Act cases
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Labor Code violations
  • Worker’s Compensation Non-Subscriber Claims

We litigate and try these cases in Federal Court, State Court and in arbitration proceedings on behalf of employers.

Contact Markle DeLaCruz, LLP to schedule your consultation.

Consultation With A Lawyer

For a consultation with a Clear Lake administrative license hearing attorney, contact
Markle • DeLaCruz, LLP

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